✔ Can you use email, web browsers, word-processing software?
SIU Online degree programs are taught by SIU faculty -- often the same faculty who teach on-campus courses. You’ll have opportunities for class discussion and interaction with and guidance from your teacher. And you’ll be able to earn or complete your degree without coming to campus – though you are welcome if you’d like to visit!
Are you an on-campus student but you’d like to take a few online courses? Welcome aboard!
Questions about how to apply?
If you are completing a bachelor’s degree, call: 618-536-4405
If you are working on a master’s degree: 618-536-7791
When you need help writing a paper or other assignment, get help from the Online Writing Center. Tutors will help you at any stage of the writing process on specific assignments, and will help you become a more confident writer overall. You’ll need to make an appointment.
SIU’s Morris Library is a great resource – and one of the things that’s so great about it is how much is available online. You can even “Ask a Librarian,” access online journals, learn how to use citations appropriate for your area of study and more.
Whether your goal is advancement where you work now, or a brand new job, SIU’s Career Development Center can help! From résumé consultations by email to mock interviews by telephone, we can help you maximize the benefits of your degree.